

Saturday 27 July 2013

Personal Hygiene tips for women

Having good personal hygiene is important for both your health and physical appearance explains the Mayo Clinic. Because a man and a woman’s chemistry is different, a woman may need to pay more special attention to her personal hygiene, especially during the days you have your menstrual period. Learn how to address personal hygiene issues and feel confident in everything you do.

Body Odor
The Children, Youth and Women’s Health Service website explains that body odor occurs when sweat and bacteria builds up on the skin. The aprocrine glands, located which is the armpits, groin and scalp area, give off the most odors. Keeping your skin clean is the first step in eliminating body odor. Having fresh smelling skin is part of having good hygiene.
Shower daily and make sure you thoroughly wash and dry your armpits and groin area. If you have an increase in physical activity of any type that makes you sweat more than usual, shower again before the end of the day. Wear clean clothes and undergarments because dirty or soiled clothes can harbor odors and bacteria. Apply deodorant after showering to curb sweating and keep underarm odors away.

Vaginal Area
A woman’s vaginal area requires attention daily in order to stay healthy and keep odors away. The monthly menstrual cycle can bring about an increase in vaginal flow including bleeding. The vaginal area including the perineum should be kept clean to prevent infection. This means regularly changing your sanitary pad or tampons to stay fresh. 
Other common issues in females include yeast infections, urinary tract infections and bacterial infection or bacterial vaginosis. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says bacterial vaginosis can be prevented by frequent cleaning of the vaginal area and reducing the amount of sex partners you have. Most female vaginal infections can cause some or all of the following symptoms: a fish odor, a buildup of yeast in and around the vagina, itching, burning and pain when urinating. A physician can make an accurate diagnosis and will likely prescribe a medicated cream and antibiotic to help fight off
 bacteria and infection.

Face and Body
Making sure you take care of your face and body is important in overall health and hygiene. You should wash your face twice a day with a mild cleanser or astringent,explains the Acne website. This will help to clear away the buildup of dirt and impurities on your skin. If your skin is not cleaned daily it can become oily and dirty and clog up the pores on your face and nose. This can lead to acne outbreaks and the development of blackheads. You should address problems with your skin over your entire body. This includes taking care of blisters, dry skin, chafed and dry skin that can lead to skin infections and open wounds. Apply lotion for moisturizing and an antibiotic skin cream if needed.


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