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Saturday 27 July 2013

Best diet for glowing skin

Glowing skin is the mark of a healthy person. We all strive to attain this healthy glow but due to our busy schedules. we sometimes tend to neglect this. Also smoking, drinking and unhealthy snacking results in various skin problems and dull skin.
But we can help to reverse these external bad effects. Consuming healthy food helps in keeping the skin fresh and glowing by reversing the adverse effects of environment and our lifestyle. Here is a simple diet plan which can make your skin glow with a healthy shine.
Diet for glowing skin
Breakfast is a very important meal of our routine. Morning diet needs a good mix of foods and nutrients so that we can be active throughout the day. So it is advised that you always have a good breakfast. Some believe skipping will reduce the weight but that is not true.
Start your day at 8.30-9.30
  • Have a glass of milk (180-200ml)
  • Have some cereals (Cornflakes, Muesli, Poha, Bread)
  • Have a portion of protein too (Egg whites, Sprouts, Cottage Cheese or Chicken)
We also have a great recipe for you to try:
How about a cheese grilled sandwich?
This is quite easy to make. Here’s what you will need: two slices of bread (preferably brown bread) , some capsicum slices, some tomato slices, some onion rings, some olive oil, a boiled egg/chicken pieces(leftovers from last night should be fine; just soak them in warm water and remove any spices which it may have or you can also take fresh chicken pieces)/ cottage cheese / any vegetables you like (in case you want a vegetable grilled sandwich), a little bit of low fat cheese slice, chaat masala, pudina chutney, ketchup.
  • Take one bread slice and spread some capsicum, onion, tomatoes and cucumber.
  • Place the chicken/cottage cheese/vegetable filling/boiled egg over it. In case of the chicken/cottage cheese  sandwich I suggest to just stir it in the pan with some spices like red chilli powder, a pinch of turmeric, some garam masala and salt.
  • Use olive oil for stirring. Place the stirred items on a blotting sheet and blot the excess oils. Place them on the veggies.
  • For the egg sandwich cut the egg in slices and place on the veggies.
  • On the other slice, rub some tomato pudina chutni and follow up with ketchup. Now before placing this on the other piece, quickly sprinkle some Chaat masala on the chicken/egg/cottage cheese and top it up with a cheese slice.
  • Grill it on both sides and have it while it’s hot.
Mid day Snack: 11-12pm
  • Have some beverage like lassi, buttermilk, coconut water or lemon water
  • Have a whole fruit or a fruit salad if you are very hungry

Lunch: 1.30-2.30pm

Lunch is an important meal too so there should be a balance of food in it.
  • Have a portion Of Cereal like Chapati/Roti or a bowl of rice (Brown Rice)
  • Vegetables: A vegetable salad or a simple vegetable preparation using fresh green vegetables is great for the body as well as your skin
  • Proteins like Dal/ Fish/ Chicken/ Egg is also necessary
  • A portion of curd

Evening Snack: 5.30-6.30pm

  • Some milk/ tea
  • 2 biscuits
Dinner: 8-9pm 

  • 1 portion of Cereal like Roti/ Rice
  • 1 Portion of protein like Dal/ Chicken/Eggs/ Fish etc
  • 1 potion of vegetables either in a salad or in the form of a preparation.

This glowing skin diet plan is great for achieving a healthy and glowing skin . Also we 
like to mention some additional items for achieving glowing skin:

  • Include protein rich food like Fish/ Chicken/ Eggs
  • Have leafy Veggies like beans, sprouts, broccoli, celery, spinach etc
  • Have green tea instead or regular black tea
  • Have food items like berries, pomegranate, carrots, cucumbers, citrus fruits
  • Peach juice, watermelon juice is great for skin
  • Do some healthy exercises like yoga to keep the body healthy from within. This is a oerfect addition to that clear skin diet that you have devised!

6 quick and easy ways to burn fat

Unable to make it to the gym as often as you'd like? You're not alone. In 2011, less than 21 percent of American adults met the Physical Activity Guidelines for both aerobic andmuscle-strengthening exercise.Work, running errands, and spending time with friends and loved ones all usually tend to take priority in most people's lives.With that in mind, here are my top six ways to easily torch 100 calories. Try to incorporate a couple of these throughout your day, and you will be on your way to a
 healthier and more fit you!

1. Go for the Mile
On average, it takes one mile of walking or running to burn 100 calories. So, the faster you can complete a mile, the faster you burn those 100 calories. If you jog or run, it will take anywhere from 6-12 minutes to burn 100 calories, depending on your pace. If you walk, it will take you 13-20 minutes to burn those same 100 calories.

2. Don't Sit — Balance!
Many of us spend most of our hours hunkered down in a chair at a desk behind a computer screen. So, even one simple change could have significant results. Simply swap your office chair with an exercise stability ball (like the bosu ball). This swap helps you burn an extra 4 calories per hour (32 calories in an eight-hour day and 160 more calories in a five-day work week). Try this five-minute workout to burn 100 calories and rev up your metabolism for the rest of the day — making it an exponential burn factor!

3. Drink Lots of Water
Thirst can be very deceiving. Many times when you think you are hungry, you are actually just thirsty. So drink up to reduce snacking, which can easily add up to over 100 calories per snack session (12 to 14 almonds are 100 calories.) Plus, you'll be well hydrated which is good for your overall heath. Bonus: research shows that drinking cold water could raise your resting metabolism to approximately burn an additional 50 calories per day.

4. Housework Calorie Burn Factor
Doing housework and running errands can give you quite a workout. According to Harvard Medical School, a 155-pound person could easily burn more than a 100 calories by doing one of these activities for 30 minutes:
• Food shopping – 130 calories in 30 minutes
• Heavy cleaning - 167 calories in 30 minutes
• Moving furniture - 223 calories in 30 minutes
• Playing with kids - 149 calories in 30 minutes

5. Jump Rope Workout
Stash a jump rope in your car, your purse or in your desk at work. When you have some
time to kill, start jumping. A 140-pound person burns around 100 calories in just 10
minutes of jumping rope. Here is a great jump rope workout to try: Jump Your Way to a
 Hot Body Workout.

6. Dance Like No One's Watching
Regretting that you opted for that caramel frappuccino rather than a black coffee? Turn on your stereo or iPod, and blast a song that gets you going, and you can dance off the extra calories in a 20-minute dance session. Have small kids? Dance with them in your arms and those calories will disappear even faster, not to mention tone and tighten those arms!

I hope this inspires you to get moving, get active, and feeling your best!

Teenage girl personal hygiene tips

Girls in their teens may notice that they must pay more attention to personal hygiene because their bodies are going through a transition. Sweat glands that once lay dormant may become active, leading to body odor, and hormone levels change, causing hair to grow in places it never grew before. The practice of good hygiene can make the changes a teenage girl goes through easier to deal with.

Shower Daily
Shower daily to remove the offensive odor that develops when bacteria caused from sweating is left on the skin to grow. The odor from these bacteria has a strong smell to it, especially in the area of the armpits and the feet. The groin area may develop an unpleasant odor. Cleanse your body with warm water and a gentle soap.

Brush Your Teeth After Meals
Do not let halitosis, bad breath, become a problem. Brush your teeth after eating, especially after eating foods that contribute to bad breath. Clean your teeth for two minutes minimum, and replace your toothbrush after three months. Brush your tongue as well as the top of your mouth, using a light touch. Use floss to remove plaque and pieces of food from between your teeth. Schedule an appointment to have your teeth cleaned by a dentist twice a year.

Keep Facial Skin Clean
Wash your face twice a day to prevent the formation of blackheads and pimples that can lead to acne. Thoroughly wet your face with warm water, and then apply a gentle cleanser. It is a good idea to wipe your face clean with a mild toner after your face dries, using a moist cotton pad.

Antiperspirant and Deodorant Pros and Cons
Use an antiperspirant or a deodorant under your arms if you feel you need to control the smell caused by bacteria. An antiperspirant works to stop sweating, and it may help sweat dry up. Deodorant is designed to mask the unpleasant odor that comes from bacteria growth associated with sweating. Antiperspirants and deodorants may be irritating to sensitive skin.

Change Your Clothes Every Day
Put on clean clothes every day to prevent smelling bad, as fabrics have a tendency to absorb odors. Make sure your socks and undergarments are freshly laundered. Wear shirts and socks made of cotton, as this fabric and other natural fabrics are good at blotting up perspiration.

Keep Hair Clean
Wash your hair on a daily basis and use oil-free hair styling products. The sebaceous glands make more than enough oil in the teen years, so do not add to it with greasy products.

Hair Removal
Shave your underarms and legs if you desire, but do so with care. Use a new blade if you are going to shave with a manual razor to lessen your risk of cutting yourself. Also use shaving cream, or a shaving gel. Take your time when shaving to avoid nicks and cuts. Pubic hair does not have to be shaved. If it is shaved, it may grow inward, and the skin in this area of the body may be sensitive after shaving. Try using a moisturizer that contains no oil if you want to make facial hair less noticeable, or use a bleaching product. Talk to your parents about removing facial hair permanently, if you are thinking about

Personal Hygiene tips for women

Having good personal hygiene is important for both your health and physical appearance explains the Mayo Clinic. Because a man and a woman’s chemistry is different, a woman may need to pay more special attention to her personal hygiene, especially during the days you have your menstrual period. Learn how to address personal hygiene issues and feel confident in everything you do.

Body Odor
The Children, Youth and Women’s Health Service website explains that body odor occurs when sweat and bacteria builds up on the skin. The aprocrine glands, located which is the armpits, groin and scalp area, give off the most odors. Keeping your skin clean is the first step in eliminating body odor. Having fresh smelling skin is part of having good hygiene.
Shower daily and make sure you thoroughly wash and dry your armpits and groin area. If you have an increase in physical activity of any type that makes you sweat more than usual, shower again before the end of the day. Wear clean clothes and undergarments because dirty or soiled clothes can harbor odors and bacteria. Apply deodorant after showering to curb sweating and keep underarm odors away.

Vaginal Area
A woman’s vaginal area requires attention daily in order to stay healthy and keep odors away. The monthly menstrual cycle can bring about an increase in vaginal flow including bleeding. The vaginal area including the perineum should be kept clean to prevent infection. This means regularly changing your sanitary pad or tampons to stay fresh. 
Other common issues in females include yeast infections, urinary tract infections and bacterial infection or bacterial vaginosis. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says bacterial vaginosis can be prevented by frequent cleaning of the vaginal area and reducing the amount of sex partners you have. Most female vaginal infections can cause some or all of the following symptoms: a fish odor, a buildup of yeast in and around the vagina, itching, burning and pain when urinating. A physician can make an accurate diagnosis and will likely prescribe a medicated cream and antibiotic to help fight off
 bacteria and infection.

Face and Body
Making sure you take care of your face and body is important in overall health and hygiene. You should wash your face twice a day with a mild cleanser or astringent,explains the Acne website. This will help to clear away the buildup of dirt and impurities on your skin. If your skin is not cleaned daily it can become oily and dirty and clog up the pores on your face and nose. This can lead to acne outbreaks and the development of blackheads. You should address problems with your skin over your entire body. This includes taking care of blisters, dry skin, chafed and dry skin that can lead to skin infections and open wounds. Apply lotion for moisturizing and an antibiotic skin cream if needed.

How to maintain good personal hygiene

Good hygiene practices are important to prevent catching or spreading diseases,  Practicing good hygiene habits can also make you feel better about yourself and your body. It's not difficult to take good care of yourself, it just requires making new habits for self-care. Many hygienic practices are the same for men and women. It's a good idea to teach children good cleanliness habits early on in life.

Step 1
Wash your hands often. Hands should be washed before and after eating, before preparing
 food, and after using the bathroom. You should also wash your hands after handling
pets or pet items like drinking bowls or pet beds.

Step 2
Shower or bathe regularly. You should also shampoo your hair as often as necessary. For
 some this is daily, while others should wash hair a few times a week depending on hair
 type and level of physical activity.

Step 3
Brush your teeth after meals and before bed. Floss teeth daily as well, and use a fluoride
 mouthwash, if desired.

Step 4
Change your clothes daily. Take special care to change your underwear at least once
daily, or more often if needed.

Step 5
Apply deodorant to your armpits. Deodorant can be used daily or only before vigorous
 activity, such as working out. You can purchase deodorant by itself, or in combination
with antiperspirants. Deodorants are available in sprays or roll-on varieties.

Dental Care Tips

Dental care is of utmost importance for your personality, as they make your best smile
 and also prevent you from bad breath. Home dental care has been followed in India since
 ancient time but with the advent of technology and science, now the market is flooded
 with many artificial products. Dental care at home is safe, without side effects, assured 
results and less costly.

Here are some home dental care tips -

1.Cloves are well known for their anti-bacterial properties and thus, it is advised to keep
 one clove in your mouth after every meal. It kills the possible germs and thus, saves
 your teeth from decaying and keeps gums healthy. In case of toothache, clove oil is one
 of the best remedies.

2.One of the best home dental care tip is to use home made toothpaste. Mix 6
teaspoons of baking soda, 1/3 spoon of salt, 4 teaspoons of glycerin and 15 drops of peppermint oil.
Mix this all into a thick paste and use it to clean your teeth. You will be surprised to see
 the difference and your mouth will also feel fresh. This kills germs, assures strong teeth
 and also is food for the gums.

3.Massage you gums everyday with salt and garlic paste. This cures all gum problems
 and also assure strong teeth.

4.Neem Stick is well known for it's anti bacterial properties and thus assures complete
 cleaning of the teeth. Chewing on the neem stick, strengthens your teeth.

5.Lettuce is also well known for it's oral health property. Chewing on some lettuce leave
 or drink it's juice is recommended for oral health.

6.Diet – Make sure to include calcium rich food for health teeth and gum. Grains, fruits,
 vegetables, poultry and dairy products should be included in your diet for good oral

Follow these six home dental care tips for a good oral health and a beautiful smile.

Brushing your Teeth

5 Ways to Brush your Teeth

1 .Brush your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day, for two minutes each time. Make sure 
   you brush on all sides of your teeth and get your tongue. You can ask your dentist(s) for
   a demonstration. It is best to do one of these times before you go to bed, as your mouth
   does not have the same salivary protection when you are sleeping as it does during the 
   day. If you can, brush after lunch as well. Brushing during the day will reduce the
   damage caused by plaque byproducts and toxins.

Each tooth has five distinct sides; a toothbrush cleans only 3 of those 5 sides. The other 

two sides are where much of the destruction and disease (not to mention foul odors)

 originate: the in between areas. These remaining two sides require dental floss or tiny 
inter-dental brushes that can reach in-between and under the contact points of the teeth.
 Gum disease is linked to life-threatening illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes,
 and premature low birth weight babies.

2. Use a dry bristle brush for the first two minutes of cleaning. It's not the toothpaste that 
"cleans" your teeth, it's the mechanical action of the bristles in physical contact with the
  tooth surface that removes plaque (a living bio-film teeming with microorganisms that 
  cause disease). You can do a magnificent job brushing your teeth using a dry brush and 
  rinsing with water (although your teeth will not have the benefit of fluoride).

3. Spend time moving the bristles at and below the gum line, where it is most important to
   clean. The toothpaste can go on after those two minutes, and you can have the advantage
   of fluoride, whitening, stain removal or whatever works better for you because it's
   applied to a nice clean surface.

Floss your teeth
1. Floss your teeth daily and after any food that will stick in your teeth (i.e. corn on the  cob, caramel, peanut butter, etc.). This cleans the other sides of your teeth that you
couldn't reach with your toothbrush.

2.Use a tongue scraper. A tongue scraper is an important part of oral hygiene that will also work wonders with stale, smelly breath. Use it to remove the plaque on your tongue,which will freshen breath and presumably slow down the accumulation of plaque on your teeth. Alternatively, you can use your toothbrush to clean your tongue.

Use mouth wash

Find a fluoride mouthwash. Fluoride mouthwashes help to strengthen tooth enamel. Teach children between the age of six and twelve good rinsing skills to prevent swallowing. Follow the directions on the bottle. Right before you got to bed is a good time.

Choose your food wisely

1.Avoid snacking constantly. Snacking constantly can cause plaque to build up on your teeth, which can increase the risk of getting cavities.

2.Avoid sugary and/or sticky foods. Sugar feeds the bacteria in your mouth, which then excrete substances that break down tooth enamel.

Eat lots of vegetables, and drink water instead of soda or juice.

3.Remember that fruit juices are full of acids and natural sugars. Keep drinking these to a minimum or only drink them at meal-times, when the saliva is flowing most.

4. Try to chew less seeds. It may produce fissures in your molars.

Visit the Dentist
Visit your dentist at least every six months and every time that you have a problem with your teeth.Schedule a professional cleaning with a registered dental hygienist. #Visit the dentist twice a year and Be an "informed health care consumer" and pay attention to what is going on. Ask your dental hygienist what your probings are at each visit! (They should be between 1 mm and 3 mm deep.)

2.Most important: In addition to checking for signs of cavities or gum disease, the dentist and dental hygienist can give you feedback about how effective your plaque removal at
 home is, and more importantly help you learn the best way to brush and floss. You need to know how to prevent problems by having your skills evaluated. If you are not effective with flossing and brushing technique, you are only wasting your time while leaving the door open for infection and disease. How many times a day you brush & floss, or how long you spend brushing are all SECONDARY to your degree of skill using them. It all boils down to whether or not you can effectively reach and remove the adherent bio film surrounding every one of your teeth, at and below the gum line. Ask your dental hygienist to watch your technique and work with you! That's what we're there for!